See Mother GilChrists new blog
Region of the Isles
Whitland - Great Britain (nuns)
Glencairn - Ireland (nuns)
Mount Melleray - Ireland (monks)
Mount St. Bernard - England (monks)
Roscrea - Ireland (monks)
Caldey - Wales (monks)
Mellifont - Ireland (monks)
Nunraw - Scotland (monks)
Bethlehem - Ireland (monks)
Bolton - Ireland (monks)
See our new vocation website:
See a video on Munkeby which includes Tautra Mariakloster at the end
Trappist (Cistercian) Monks/Nuns
Cistercian Publications
Cistercian Studies Quarterly
Cîteaux : Commentarii cistercienses
Den Katolske Kirke
Galleri Tautra
Klosterets nettbutikk
SKON om klosterliv i Norge