Oversett denne siden

The process of becoming a nun

Initial requirements:

  • We accept women under the age of 40.

  • We encourage women to finish their education.

  • Some work experience is also very desirable.

Other requirements include:

  • A desire to know and seek God.

  • Good mental and physical health.

  • An ability to be flexible and adaptable to changes.

  • An ability to get along well with other people.

  • A basic maturity and positive attitude towards life.

The process of entering a monastery is slow and gradual, usually happening through the following steps:

  1. First a person visits the monastery, staying in the guesthouse.

  2. Eventually she may ask to come inside the monastery for a period of time: some weeks or a few months. This step implies a serious desire to pursue the life.

  3. After the above period of observership is over and there is an indication on both sides (the community and the person) that God may be calling her to the life, she officially enters the monastery as a postulant, wearing regular clothing.

  4. Within a year, she becomes a novice and receives the habit, which for novices is a white robe, white scapular, white belt and a white veil.

  5. Two years later, she makes her first profession of temporary vows.

  6. Three to six years later she makes a final, life-long commitment: Solemn Profession. This takes place in a special public ceremony in the church. She receives the white choir robe, called the cowl, and the black veil.

For further information mail klosterkall@tautra.no

Sr. Christina's vocation story