"O the depths of the wisdom of God!" wrote Paul in his letter to the Romans (11:33), echoing a sentiment found throughout the Scriptures, as people of every age contemplated the magnificence of creation, the marvel of their own human existence, and the wonders of God’s self-revelation through-out human history, and in their own lives as well. For the Biblical authors, Wisdom is a prominent attribute of God, evident in all that God does. Some Old Testament texts, in fact, go so far as to personify God’s wisdom (Prov 8:22-9:5; Wis 7:22-8:1). The New Testament authors depict Jesus as the embodiment of God’s wisdom (Matt 11:19). In this Advent season, let us pray that we might receive God’s wisdom in our lives and in our world.
O Wisdom,
Proceeding from the mouth of the Most high . . .
O Word, spoken by God in countless ways from the beginning of time.
At your WORD all creation came to be . . . in Your wisdom . . .
Every marvel of nature . . . in all its glorious and intricate workings.
With wisdom, you chose a people through whom you would make yourself known,
With whom you would enter into covenant relationship,
Leading them in your love,
That all people might walk by the light of your wisdom.
When the fullness of time came,
In wisdom, you spoke the Word
Who is Son.
Born of a woman . . .
The Word of God, the Wisdom of God,
Who walked our earth . . .
Who lived and died and rose among us,
Revealing God’s wisdom in all its fullness.
In wisdom, you have crafted each of our lives,
Inviting us to learn your wisdom . . .
And to make it our own.
That your purpose, your plan might be accomplished.
Come, Lord, in this holy season,
In the NOW of our lives,
Teach us your Wisdom’s way . . .
Anne Elizabeth Sweet, OCSO